Kosmos conducts thorough Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) prior to all operations. The EIA for the Cap Boujdour contract area, including the Al-Khayr well, was conducted from February to September 2014. The specialist marine consulting firm, CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc. prepared the EIA prior to exploratory drilling, in line with good international industry practice, and in compliance with Morocco’s environmental legislation.

Areas of Evaluation

The various components of the exploratory drilling program in the Cap Boujdour contract area were evaluated for potential impacts to the physical, chemical, biological, and socioeconomic environments. Impact analysis considered both routine operations and potential accidents. Resource areas evaluated included air quality; water quality; sediment quality; plankton, fish, and fishery resources; benthic communities; marine mammals; sea turtles; marine and coastal birds; protected marine species and habitats of concern; fishing, shipping, and maritime industry; recreation and aesthetics/tourism; and archaeological resources.


This assessment included research of the published and unpublished literature and a public inquiry process to identify the potential issues of concern. The impact assessment methodology was conducted from a risk-based perspective to determine the overall significance of each potential impact based on its consequence and probability.


A workshop was held in Dakhla in January 2015 to give local representatives the chance to discuss the EIA with Kosmos and CSA Ocean Services.

Conclusions and Mitigation Actions

Based on the EIA analysis, the exploratory drilling operations were expected to produce minor, short-term impacts to select environmental and socioeconomic resources within the Cap Boujdour contract area – along transit routes to and from the wellsites and in the vicinity of the shorebase.  Implementation of appropriate mitigation measures, adherence to offshore protocols, and compliance with current Kosmos plans and policies (e.g., Environmental Management Plan, Source Control Emergency Response Plan, Oil Spill Contingency Plan) further reduced the likelihood and/or severity of potential impacts.

Safe and Environmentally Sound Operations

Kosmos fully implemented its Environmental Management Plan and completed its first well in the Cap Boujdour contract area safely and without incident.


For more information about Kosmos’ commitment to operating in a safe and environmentally sound manner, read The Standard, our Health, Safety, Environment and Security Management System Expectations.