
Environmental and Social Impact Table

FactorPotential ImpactsMitigation Measures
Air QualityImpact on Air Quality• Monitor and keep records of the combustion of fuel.
• Purchase fit-for-purpose machinery and keep it well maintained so it runs efficiently.
• Quality control (QC) of the implementation of equipment maintenance plans.
Archeological ResourcesNo archaeological resources present in the drilling area N/A
Community Health, Safety and SecurityRisk of inappropriate use of force on communities by local authorities in the event of protests against the drilling project• Work with appropriate authorities regarding the principles of proportionality and good international practice
• Put a grievance mechanism in place
Community LivelihoodsNone from routine operationsN/A
Completion and
Well Work-over
Toxic Effects on Marine Life
in Immediate Vicinity of the
Drilling Rig
No discharge to sea except: 1) maximum 1-day oil and grease discharge should not exceed 42 mg/L; and 2) 30-day average should not exceed 29 mg/L.
Neutralize to attain a pH of 5 or more
Ship to shore or re-inject
EmploymentExtension of short-term employment for about 50 people in Agadir None required (beneficial)
EmploymentCreation of short term employment for 3 to 4 people in Dakhla• Develop Kosmos policy on hiring locally in Dakhla
• Hire individuals from Dakhla to fill short term job opportunities as they arose during drilling (positions such as drivers, translators, etc.)
• Require contractors to routinely provide Dakhla community local content data
EmploymentDiscontent of the population due to insufficient employment creation in Dakhla• Inform local stakeholders, on a regular basis, of the efforts made by Kosmos following the SIA consultations to create short term job opportunities in Dakhla
• Explain to stakeholders why the onshore base for drilling had to be located in Agadir
General and Hazardous WasteImpacts from Hazardous
and Non-hazardous Wastes
Onshore impacts of waste
on terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems and aquifer
Prepare and implement a detailed Waste Management Plan (WMP) for onshore and offshore activities
Develop of waste inventories involving all waste streams
Use of Material Safety Data Sheets
Hydrotest WaterToxic Effects on Marine Life
in Immediate Vicinity of the
Drilling Rig
Reuse in drilling mud system
Discharge offshore following environmental risk analysis, careful selection of chemicals, reduce use of chemicals
Send to shore for treatment and disposal
Land Use and OccupationModification of land use inside the Dakhla airport grounds• Verify that the airport authority is satisfied with the modifications conducted on the airport grounds
Land Use and AestheticsVisual disruption of the seascape for yachtersN/A
Local BusinessExtension of short term business opportunities in AgadirNone required (beneficial)
Local BusinessCreation of a few small business opportunities in Dakhla• Develop Kosmos policy on buying locally in Dakhla
• Supply goods from Dakhla where possible (car rental services, catering, printing, and hotel accommodations)
• Require contractors to routinely provide data on goods purchased from local businesses in Dakhla
Maritime FisheriesAnxiety of people whose livelihoods depend on artisanal and coastal fisheries onshore Dakhla• Provided non-technical communication on the location of the rig and the absence of project impacts on fisheries to local administrative, political and civil authorities, artisanal and coastal fisherman, and those whose livelihoods depend on fisheries
• Regular communication with the local population and feedback/grievance management through Kosmos’ Community Relations Coordinator based in Dakhla
Maritime FisheriesMinor limitation of fishing areas for industrial maritime fishing• Provided information to industrial fishing boats on rig’s position, exclusion zone, and drilling calendar
• Planned short period of drilling
• Drilling rig to carry relevant navigational and communication aids
Maritime Navigation and ShippingMinor increase in maritime traffic to/from the port of Agadir None required (beneficial)
Maritime Navigation and ShippingInterference with sea users (commercial and fishing boats)• Communication on the rig’s position, buffer area limits, and drilling calendar through Moroccan and international standard maritime communication procedures
• Drilling rig to carry relevant navigational and communication aids
• Planned short period of drilling
Maritime Navigation and ShippingInterference with small sail boats entering the rig’s buffer zone• Communication on the rig’s position, buffer area limits, and drilling calendar through Moroccan and international standard maritime communication procedures as well as Moroccan marinas
• Informed support vessels and raised local awareness on risks of small sailboats entering the rig buffer zone generally through the use of autopilot
Non-aqueous Drilling Fluid (NADF)/Oil Based Mud (OBM) Drilling
Fluids and Cuttings
Non-aqueous Drilling Fluid (NADF)/Oil Based Mud (OBM) Drilling
Fluids and Cuttings
Waste Impacts from
Drill Cuttings and Fluids
• Control and treat waste in accordance with established Drilling Discharge/WMP
• Selection of an environmentally benign mud and cement additives within the context of non-aqueous drilling fluid (NADF)/oil-based (drilling) mud (OBM) being required for the rock formation drilling
• Cuttings and mud treatment equipment to be capable of ensure the separation of NADF/OBM from cuttings (residual oil on cuttings value of 3% is the objective; residual oil on cuttings values will not exceed 6% to 8%) before discharged to sea with cuttings
• Management procedures to ensure optimal performance of cuttings treatment equipment and continuous mud mass balance maintained during drilling
• Hg – maximum of 1 mg/kg dry weight in stock barite
• Cd – maximum of 3 mg/kg dry weight in stock barite
• Discharge via a caisson at least 15 m below sea surface
NoiseNoise impacts on fauna and communities• Ensure proper maintenance of all equipment and motors, fit noise baffling devices on exhaust systems
• Design helicopter routings to avoid people and known sensitive habitats/migration flight paths as far as possible. Pilots adopted the quietest safe flying procedures.
Occupational Health and SafetyEnhancement of the occupational health and safety culture and practices at the Port of AgadirNone required (beneficial)
Occupational Health and SafetyRisk of accident for the onshore or offshore personnel Implement safety training plan for personnel hired or used by Kosmos Energy
Adherence by everyone on the drilling rig or at base to EHS Plan developed by Kosmos
Occupational Health and Safety: Adherence to Moroccan legal requirements, Kosmos and Contractor EHS policies, Kosmos and Contractor EHS Management Systems, and International Labour Organization (ILO)-ratified conventions to address issues relating to the labor and working conditions.
Produced WaterToxic Effects on Marine Life
in Immediate Vicinity of the
Drilling Rig
Discharge to sea maximum 1-day oil and grease discharge should not exceed 42 mg/L; 30-day average should not exceed 29 mg/L
Produced SandToxic Effects on Marine Life
in Immediate Vicinity of the
Drilling Rig
No discharge to sea except when oil concentration lower than 1% by weight on dry sand
Ship to shore or reinject
Sewage Discharge
and Deck Runoff
Quality and Ballast
Water Discharge
Impact on Marine Water Quality and Fauna and Flora

Ballast Water Risk of Invasive/Introduced Species
All discharges from the drilling rig and support vessels will be treated and discharged in accordance with International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) convention requirements, restrictions, or limitations
Organic kitchen waste will be macerated and discharged to sea. No discharge should be undertaken within 12 nmi of the shore
Ensure that good housekeeping measures are implemented to minimize the amount of mud and associated chemicals entering the rig drainage system
Marine Sanitation Device on drilling rig for treatment of sewage effluent
An oil content meter will continuously monitor and sample the oil content within the drain line of oily machinery spaces. When the meter detects a ratio in excess of 15 ppm, the drains will be directly transferred into the holding tank
Ballast water management and discharges to comply with MARPOL requirements to avoid introduction of alien species
Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) in place on the drilling rig and support vessels
Social Organization of BusinessNone from routine operationsN/A
Social and Political ClimateNone from routine operationsN/A
Tourism and LeisureNone from routine operationsN/A